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RoteIt. Providing an interactive, personalized learning service for students.

A learning product that works in line with our natural learning process of how we acquire words and language. We created this product to make word exposure a capability accessible to all learners without demographic or socio-graphic barriers. We built all essential machine learning and artificial intelligence in from the beginning to enable maximum benefit of assessment while you learn so there is more time for learning instead of assessment, quiz, or test. We have employed cutting edge analytics to create simplistic insights and feedback on the user without the need for constant quiz, testing, or interruption of time taken away from the learning process. 

Your AI Teacher.

We enable you to exponentially expand your learner's word exposure and learning sessions without the need for highly expensive tutoring or therapist sessions.

Analytics & Insights

You no longer have to rely on quiz or test results. The system is ever adapting to your learning needs and your progress of difficulty, proficiency, and mastery is visible at all times.

1:1 Mission

For every learning subscriber, we sponsor a less fortunate child to overcome learning disabilities or developmental delays a 1-on-1 battle we all and contribute to WIN.

Your TeacherBot

RoteIt allows for Learners to have a Virtual teacher anywhere any time using different platforms such as our app, website, or Alexa 

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